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Fine Art Studio
Custom Artworks
by Regina Stehney

We are Spiritual beings trapped in the corporeality of our laden lives. Living in the dark ruins of the past, we must shed heavy memories and old lives, sloughing off the shrunken skins like a snake escapes its former body. As we transcend self-inflicted bonds, cast off the knotted and tangled ties that cut into the burden that is our being, we find an open door of light. We are illuminated and escape the pain, leaving death in the empty skeletons of sad rooms, and become one with the web of time.
"Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is ,there is liberty." 2 Corinthians 3:17
Please contact artist for pricing on original fine art. Regina loves to work on commissioned work to suit your environmental needs. You may specify your color palette and choice of composition for your personal masterpiece.
All work available as a custom print on paper or canvas, hand signed and numbered by the artist.
Prints start at 350.00
Please contact the artist for sizes and to discuss the best quality custom work to suit your needs.
Original Paintings in this series start at 1,200.00 Please contact the Artist
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